Uber Using (Surprisingly) Low Tech Method to Sway Public Opinion
August 6, 2014Guizhou boy decides workers outside his apartment are too loud, cuts safety rope
August 31, 2014Surprising: A Federally-Funded Museum With a McDonald’s Inside?
Last week, I visited Washington D.C. to attend the Asian American Journalist Association Conference. During one of my free afternoons, I dropped by the Smithsonian Air & Space Museum with a friend to rekindle some old memories of my last visit as a child.
Much to my surprise, I discovered a food court in the museum with one of the largest McDonald’s in the world inside of it. (It also happens to serve Boston Market chicken and a off-brand pizza.)
I don’t know about you, but something doesn’t seem right about having a McDonald’s in a taxpayer-funded, federal museum. And I’m not alone in this feeling (although, I’m apparently 12 years behind on this controversy).
I’m sure the museum raked in untold millions by allowing McDonald’s to peddle its happy meal toys to hungry museum-going tots, which allowed for more exhibits and programs to be funded. But, weren’t there better, healthier, local options to choose from? And why was this 10-year contract ostensibly renewed in 2012?
I’m disturbed and appalled. What can we do about it?