May 11, 2011
Last Domestic Car Dealership in S.F. Closes (SFGate) Whoa.  San Francisco is an import-only new car town.  Can’t buy a Ford, GM or Chrysler product as […]
May 1, 2011
SF Noodle Fest Dishes up North Beach, Chinatown (SF Gate) Mmmm yummy!  Noodle festival?!  I’m in!
April 18, 2011
SF Mayor Ed Lee Enters Nightclub Rules Fight (SFGate) I support scanning ID’s to get into SF nightclubs, as long as the club can’t use my […]
March 30, 2011
Traffic Light on Market Street Falls Down, Goes Boom (SFist) “Must be a union traffic light. Union rules dont actually require him to be functional or […]
March 5, 2011
San Francisco Interactive Media Summit I couldn’t think of a better way to spend a Saturday than chatting with dozens of others about social media marketing. […]